Integrated Hospital Commissioning

Hospital services are extremely complex, with their scope ranging from HVAC, lighting, fire alarm and security systems to medical gasses, infection control, nurse call buttons and even the televisions in patients’ rooms. A single system, such as the air conditioning, involves the input of many different contractors including electrical engineers,

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Human Resource

Proper management of human resources is vital in the recruitment and retention of clinical and non-clinical staff, maintaining staff morale, providing opportunities for professional development, and in the ability of a health care organization to deliver quality health care services and improve patient health outcomes.

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Comprehensive Healthcare Services

Comprehensive care is an approach that cares for the whole patient and all his or her needs, not just the medical and physical ones. Comprehensive care – using the services of many professionals working together – is the standard approach at all major medical centres that treat young people with cancer. Some key aspects of well-designed comprehensive care are:

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Turnaround Managament

Turnaround management is about the restructuring and renewal of a company in order to revive it. Such a management strategy is used when the company is under financial pressure, or when it’s struggling to keep up with the competition. It’s crucial not to wait too long before intervening. The turnaround management process has to begin before it’s too late.

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Financial Management

financial management of hospitals is briefly discussed, and the organization of hospital financial operations is reviewed. The implementation of Medicare prospective pricing will change the way in which hospital finances are managed. Health-care managers will be concerned with the profitability of product lines, or diagnosis-related groups, in future strategic planning efforts.

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Clinic Management

The hospital management system (HMS) is integrated software that handles different directions of clinic workflows. It manages the smooth healthcare performance along with administrative, medical, legal and financial control. That is a cornerstone for the successful operation of the healthcare facility.

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Strategic Management

Strategic management is concerned with strategic choices and strategic implementation; it provides the means by which organizations meet their objectives. In the case of hospitals, it helps executives and all employees to understand the real purpose and long term goals of the hospital. Also, it helps the hospital find its place in the health care service provision chain

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Nursing Managament

Nursing management consists of the performance of the leadership functions of governance and decision-making within organizations employing nurses. It includes processes common to all management like planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. It is common for registered nurses to seek additional education to earn a Master of Science in Nursing.

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Equipment & Maintanance

Medical equipment is not only essential for safe and effective patient care but also has a significant impact on the income of healthcare organizations. For this reason, its maintenance and management require careful supervision by healthcare administrators who may not have the technical background to understand all the relevant factors.

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Dispensing & Pharmacy Management

A pharmacy information system is a system that stores data and enables functionality that organizes and maintains the medication use process within pharmacies. These systems independent technology for the pharmacy’s use only, or in a hospital setting, pharmacies integrated within an inpatient hospital computer physician order entry (CPOE) system.

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Biomedical Engineering

Enter the field of Biomedical Engineering and you will find yourself in one of the most dynamic disciplines that straddles both Engineering and Science. Simply put – for every conceivable illness or injury, it is possible to imagine some sort of way that a Biomedical engineer could devote themselves to helping create technologies that help recovery.

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Quality Assurance & Internal Audit

Hospital performance in quality services, customer (patient) satisfaction and continuous improvement. We make sure that the services being provided and developed are meeting our specific requirements and set targets. We have a system to increase patients’ confidence and reliability to improve our work process and competence.

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Hospital Management Information System

A hospital information system is also known as hospital management software (HMS) or hospital management system. Hospital information systems provide a common source of information about a patient’s health history. The system has to keep data in a secure place and controls who can reach the data in certain circumstances.

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Hospital Waste Management

Hospitals are important sites for the generation of waste. In TCP Hospital generates waste and the overall product is waste of different kinds; healthcare, household and administrative waste. Healthcare waste includes infectious, chemical, expired pharmaceutical and radioactive items and sharps. TCP Proper Maintain waste from hospital

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